Party In The USA chordsMiley Cyrus
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F# A#m D#m C#
Versículo 1
I F#hopped off the plane at A#mLAX With a D#mdream and my cardiC#gan
F#Welcome to the land of A#mfame excess, D#mam I gonna fit C#in?
F#Jumped in the cab, here I A#mam for the first timeD#m
Look to the right and I C#see the Hollywood sign
F#This is all so A#mcrazy, D#meverybody seems so C#famous
Pré refrão
F#My tummy's turnin and I'm A#mfeelin kinda home sickD#m
Too much pressure and I'm C#nervous
That's when the F#taxi man turned on the A#mradio
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
And a D#mJay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
Versículo 2
F#Get to the club in my A#mtaxi cab D#meverybody's lookin at me C#now
Like F#who's that chick that's A#mrocking kicks?
C#Noddin my head like D#myeah, A#mmovin my hips like F#yeah
D#mShe's gotta be from out of C#town
F#So hard with my A#mgirls not around D#mme
It's definitely not a C#Nashville party
F#Cause all I see are A#mstilettos, D#mI guess I never got the C#memo
Pré refrão
F#My tummy's turnin and I'm A#mfeelin kinda home sickD#m
Too much pressure and I'm C#nervous
That's when the F#DJ dropped my A#mfavorite tune
And a D#mBritney song was on
And the Britney song was on
D#mSomething stops me everyA#m time (every time)
And the Britney song was on
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
C#Cause all I see are D#mstilettos, A#mI guess I never got the F#memo
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
A#mFeel like hoppin' on a D#mflight (on a flight)
A#mBack to my hometown tonG#might (town tonight)
And the Britney song was on
A#mSomething stops me everyD#m time (every time)
The BDJ plays my song and I feel alrC#ight
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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F# acorde
A#m acorde
D#m acorde
C# acorde
G#m acorde
B acorde

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Tonalidade original: F# Maior