Hopeless Wanderer chords
Mumford & Sons

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Bb Dm Cm
Gm F Eb
Versículo 1
You Bbheard Dmmy Cmvoice
I came Gmout of the Fwoods by Ebchoice
BbShelter also Dmgave their Cmshade
But in the Gmdark I Fhave no Ebname
BbSo leave that Dmclick in my Cmhead
Cause I'm a GmhopeBbless FwanEbderer
I will reGmmember the Fwords that you Ebsaid
BbLeft a clouded mind and a Dmheavy Cmheart
But I was Gmsure we could Fsee a new Ebstart
Gm F So when your Bbhopes on Ebfire
Now how I Eblong, how I Flong to growGm old
Gm F But you know Bbyour deEbsire
Don't hold a Gmglass over the Fflame
Don't let your Bbheart grow Ebcold
I will Gmcall you by Fname
I will Bbshare your Ebroad
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
DmLeft a clouded mind and a Bbheavy Cmheart
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
Bb Dm Cm
Gm F Eb
Versículo 2
BbI wrestled Dmlong with my Cmyouth
Eb Bb F Gm Gm
We tried so Gmhard to Flive in theEb truth
BbBut do not tell me Dmall isCm fine
When I lose my Gmhead, I Flose myEb spine
BbSo leave that Dmclick in myCm head
I will reGmmember the Fwords that youEb said
BbYou brought me out Dmfrom theCm cold
CmBut do not tell me Dmall isBb fine
Now how I Gmlong, how I Flong to growEb old
Gm F So when your Bbhopes on Ebfire
Gm F But you know Bbyour deEbsire
Don't hold a Gmglass over the Fflame
Don't let your Bbheart grow Ebcold
I will Gmcall you by Fname
Don't let your Ebheart grow Bbcold
I will Bbshare your Ebroad
Gm Gm Gm Gm
Eb Bb F Gm Gm
I will Gmcall you by Fname
Eb Bb F Gm Gm
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
GmI will learn, I will Gmlearn to love the Ebskies BbI waFndeGmr
GmI will learn, I will Gmlearn to love the Ebskies BbI waFndeGmr
EbThe Bbskies FI Gmwander
Eb Eb
Bb Bb Bb Bb
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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Tonalidade original: Bb Maior