Everything Stays chordsOlivia Olson
★★★★★(5 stars, 7 votes)
Versículo 1
Gmaj7Let's go in the Cmaj7garden
Gmaj7You'll find something wB7aiting
EmRight there where you Cleft it
Lying Gupside Ddown
Gmaj7When you finally Cmaj7find it
Gmaj7You'll see how it's B7faded
The Emunderside is Clighter
When you Gturn it aDround
Everything Amstays
Right where you Emleft it
Everything Dstays
B7But it still Emchanges
Cmaj7Keep your eyes wide Gmaj7open
Ever so Cslightly
CmDaily and Gnightly
In little Dways
When evD#dim7erything Emstays
Versículo 2
Gmaj7Go down to the Cmaj7ocean
A Gmaj7crystal tide is B7raising
In little Dways
EmWater's gotten Chigher
As the Gshore washes oDut
Gmaj7Keep your eyes wide Cmaj7open
In little Dways
Even Gmaj7when the sun is B7blazing
The Ammoon controls the Ctide
It could Emcause you to D#dim7drown
Everything Amstays
Right where you Emleft it
Everything Dstays
B7But it still cEmhanges
EmWater's gotten Chigher
Ever so Cslightly
CmDaily and Gnightly
In little Dways
When evD#dim7erything sEmtays
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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Ocultar diagramas simples
Gmaj7 acorde
Cmaj7 acorde
B7 acorde
Em acorde
C acorde
G acorde
D acorde
Am acorde
Cm acorde
D#dim7 acorde
Auto Scroll
Tonalidade original: G Maior
From Adventure Time on Cartoon Network