I'm Not The Only One chords
Sam Smith

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F A Dm Bb
F A Dm Bb
F A Dm Bb
Versículo 1
F YAou and me we mDmade a vow Bb
F For bAetter or for wDmorse Bb
F I cAan't believe you lDmet me down Bb
But the prFoof is in the wCay it hFurts
F For mAonths on end I've hDmad my doubts Bb
F DenAying every tDmear Bb
F I wAish this would beDm over now Bb
But I knFow that I still nCeed you hFere
You FsaAy I'm crDmazy Bb
But wAheFn you cBball me bDmaby
Cause yFou don't think I knAow what you've dDmone Bb
But wFheAn you cDmall me bBbaby
I knFow I'm not the oCnly Fone
Versículo 2
F You've bAeen so unavDmailable Bb
I knCow I'm not the oFnly Fone
F Now sAadly I know Dmwhy Bb
F Your hAeart is unobtaDminable Bb
Even thoFugh Lord knCows you have mFine
You FsaAy I'm crDmazy Bb
Cause yFou don't think I knAow what you've dDmone Bb
But wAheFn you cBball me bDmaby
But wFheAn you cDmall me bBbaby
I knFow I'm not the oCnly Fone
Bb I have loved you for maFny years
MAaybe I am just not enoDmugh
Bb You've made me realise my dFeepest fear
By lAying and tearing us Cup
Refrão (2x)
You FsaAy I'm crDmazy Bb
Cause yFou don't think I knAow what you've dDmone Bb
But wFheAn you cDmall me bBbaby
I knCow I'm not the Fonly Fone
I knFow I'm not the Conly Fone
I knFow I'm not the Conly Fone
I knFow I'm not the Conly Fone
A Now sFadly I know Bbwhy Dm
(And I know, and I know, and I know...)
I knFow I'm not the Conly Fone
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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Tonalidade original: F Maior