House Of Gold chordsTwenty One Pilots
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CShe asked me, "Son, when I grow old,
CWill you buy me a house of gold?
CAnd when your father turns to stone,
CWill you take care of me?"
She Casked me, "Son, when FI grow old,
Will Amyou buy me a Ghouse of gold?
And Cwhen your father Fturns to stone,
DmQueen of A#meverything you Fsee
Will Cyou take Gcare of Cme?"
FI will A7make you
She Fasked me, "Son, when CI grow old,
DmQueen of A#meverything you Fsee
I'll put you on the Cmap
I'll cure you of Fdisease C
Versículo 1
Let's Csay we up and Fleft this town
And tAmurned our future Gupside-down
We'll Cmake pretend that Fyou and me
And Fwhen your father Cturns to stone,
Lived Cever aGfter, Chappily
She Casked me, "Son, when FI grow old,
Will Amyou buy me a Ghouse of gold?
And Cwhen your father Fturns to stone,
FI will A7make you
Will Cyou take Gcare of Cme?"
FI will A7make you
DmQueen of A#meverything you Fsee
I'll put you on the Cmap
And Fsince we know that Cdreams are dead
I'll cure you of Fdisease C
Versículo 2
And Csince we know that Fdreams are dead
DmQueen of A#meverything you Fsee
And Amlife turns plans up Gon their head
CI will plan to Fbe a bum
So CI just Gmight beCcome someone
She Casked me, "Son, when FI grow old,
And tAmurned our future Gupside-down
Will Amyou buy me a Ghouse of gold?
And Cwhen your father Fturns to stone,
Will Cyou take Gcare of Cme?"
FI will A7make you
She Fasked me, "Son, when CI grow old,
DmQueen of A#meverything you Fsee
I'll put you on the Cmap
I'll cure you of Fdisease
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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Tonalidade original: C Maior