party favor chordsBillie Eilish
★★★★★(5 stars, 4 votes)
Hey, leave a message
vers 1
When you Amget this
Or when you've got a Fminute
We really need toC talk G
CWait, you know what
Maybe just forAmget it
Cause by the time you Fget this
Your number might beC blockedG
SAmtay and blah blah Cblah
You just Fwant what you can't haveC G
No Amwait, I'll call the Ccops
CBooks don't make sense if you read 'em bAmackwards
If you don't Fstop I'll call your dadC G
And I Fhate to do this Gto you on your Cbirthday
Happy Ambirthday by the Eway
It's not Fyou it's me and Gall that other Cbullshit
You know that's Ambullshit
Don't you, Ebabe F
You just Gwant what you can't haveC F
I'm not your Fmparty favorC
vers 2
CLook, now I know we could've done it Ambetter
You hear Amstay and blah blah Cblah
But we can't change the Fweather
And the weather's come andC gone G
CBooks don't make sense if you read 'em bAmackwards
You'll single out the Fwrong words
Like you mishear all myC songs G
You hear Amstay and blah blah Cblah
You just Fwant what you can't haveC G
And I Ghate to do this Fto you on your Cbirthday
No Amwait, I'll call the Ccops
If you don't Fstop I'll call your dadC G
And I Fhate to do this Gto you on your Cbirthday
Happy Ambirthday by the Eway
It's not Fyou it's me and Gall that other bCullshit
You know that's Ambullshit
It's not Cyou it's me and Gall that other bFullshit
Don't you, Ebabe F
I'm not your Fmparty favor
Akkordarrangementet vist ovenfor er forfatterens eget verk som tolkning av sangen, sammen med relatert interaktivt innhold. Dette arbeidet kan bare brukes til pedagogiske formål.
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