Wonderwall chordsOasis
★★★★★(4.75 stars, 4 votes)
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
vers 1
F#mToday is gAonna be the day
That they're Egonna throw it back to Byou
F#mBy now you sAhould of somehow
ReaElised what you gotta Bdo
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About youD now E B
vers 2
F#mBack beat, the wAord is on the street
That the Efire in your heart is Bout
F#mI'm sure you've hAeard it all before
And Eall the lights that Dlead us there are F#mblinding
But you Enever really had a Bdoubt
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About you F#mnow A E B
And Dall the roads we Ehave to walk are F#mwinding
And Dall the lights that Elead us there are F#mblinding
DThere are many Ethings that I would Alike to Asay to Ayou
You're F#mgonna be the one that sAaves me F#m D
But I Adon't know Bhow
Because Dmaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sAaves me F#m D
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m B
vers 3
F#mToday was gAonna be the day
But they'll Enever throw it back at Byou
F#mBy now you sAhould have somehow
I said mAaybe F#m D
ReaElised what you've gotta Bdo
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About you F#mnow A E B
And Dall the roads we Ehave to walk are F#mwinding
And Dall the lights that Elead us there are F#mblinding
F#mI don't believe that aBnybody fEeels the way I dAo
DThere are many Ethings that I would Alike to Asay to Ayou
But I Adon't know Bhow
I said mDaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
And Eall the lights that Dlead us there are F#mblinding
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m
I said mDaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
A F#m D F#m
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m
I said mDaybe F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwAall F#m D F#m
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A F#m
D F#m A F#m
F#mToday was gAonna be the day
D F#m A F#m
D F#m A F#m
D F#m A F#m
Akkordarrangementet vist ovenfor er forfatterens eget verk som tolkning av sangen, sammen med relatert interaktivt innhold. Dette arbeidet kan bare brukes til pedagogiske formål.
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Original Tonalitet: F# Moll