Hey, Soul Sister chords

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vers 1
E Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ay-Aay
Your Elipstick stainsB on the front lobe
of my C#mleft side brains A
I knew I wouldn't forEget you and
so I went and Blet you blow my C#mmind A B
Your Esweet moonbeamB the smell of you
in every C#msingle dream I Adream
I knew when we colElided you're the one
I have deBcided who's one of my C#mkind A B
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister
Emister Bon the Aradio stereo
The Bway you move ain't Efair you Bknow
AHey soul sister BI don't want to
Emiss a Bsingle Athing you doB
ToEnight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ay-Aay
vers 2
EJust in timeB I'm so glad you have a C#mone track mind like Ame
You gave my love dirEection a game show
love conBnection we can't deC#mny A B
Bmister Eon the Aradio stereo
I'm Eso obsessedB my heart is bound to beat
right C#moutta my untrimmed Achest
I believe in Eyou like a virgin you're MaBdonna
and I'm always gonna C#mwanna blow your Amind B
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister
Emister Bon the Aradio stereo
The Bway you move ain'tE fair youB know
AHey soul sister BI don't want to
ToAnight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ay-Eay B
Emiss a Bsingle Athing you doB
ToEnight the way you can't cut a rug
BWatching you's the only drug I C#mneed
You're so gangster I'm so thug
You're the Aonly one I'm dreaming of you Esee
I can be myself now finalBly
love conBnection we can't deC#mny A B
In fact there's nothing I can't C#mbe
I want the world to see you Abe withB me
AHey soul sister Bain't that mister
Emister Bon the Aradio stereo
You're the Eonly one I'm dreaming of you Asee
The Bway you move ain't Efair you Bknow
AHey soul sister BI don't want to Emiss a Bsingle Athing you do
toBnigEht B
AHey soul sister BI don't want to
Emiss a Bsingle Athing you doB
ToEnight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ay-Aay B
ToEnight Hey-Bay, Hey-ay-AY-ay-C#may, Hey-ay-AY-ay-Aay B
BHey soul sister AI don't want to
Akkordarrangementet vist ovenfor er forfatterens eget verk som tolkning av sangen, sammen med relatert interaktivt innhold. Dette arbeidet kan bare brukes til pedagogiske formål.
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Original Tonalitet: E Dur