Yellow chords

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Verse 1
B Look at the stars,
Look how they shine forF# you,
And everything you doE,
Yeah, they were all yellow.
B I came along,
I wrote a song forF# you,
And all the things you doE,
And it was called "Yellow".
B So then I took my tuF#rn,
Look how they shine forF# you,
Oh what a thing to have doneE,
And it was all "Yellow."B
EYour skinG#m, Oh yeah your sF#kin and bones,
ETurn inG#mto something beaF#utiful,
EYou knoG#mw, you know I lF#ove you so,
Look how they shine forF#m you,
E You know I love you so.
B F# E B
Verse 2
B I swam across,
I jumped across forF# you,
Oh what a thing to doE.
Eyou knowG#m, For you I'd blF#eed myself dry,
'Cause you were all "Yellow",
B I drew a line,
I drew a line forF# you,
Oh what a thing to doE,
And it was all "Yellow."B
EYour skinG#m, Oh yeah your sF#kin and bones,
Oh what a thing to doE,
ETurn inG#mto something beaF#utiful,
Eyou knowG#m, For you I'd blF#eed myself dry,
E For you I'd bleed myself dry.
B F# E B
It's Btrue,
Look how they shine forF# you,
Look how they shine forE you,
Look how they shine forB,
Look how they shine forF# you,
Look how they shine forE you,
Oh what a thing to have doneE,
Look how they shine.
B Look at the stars,
E You know I love you so.
Look how they shine forF#m you,
And all the things that Eyou do.
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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Original Song Key: B Major