Creep chords

(4.8 stars, 20 votes)
G B C Cm
Verse 1
When you were here beGfore, couldn't look you in the Beyes
You look like an Cangel, your skin makes me Cmcry
You float like a Gfeather in a beautiful Bweather
I wish I was Cspecial, you're so very Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
You're so very Cspecial, I wish I was Cmspecial
I don't beCmlong here
Verse 2
I don't care if it Ghurts, I wanna have conBtrol
I want a perfectC body, I want a perfect Cmsoul
I want you to Gnotice, when I'm not aBround
I don't belong Ghere
You're so very Cspecial, I wish I was Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
I don't beCmlong here
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
I don't beCmlong here
GShe's running out Bagain
I don't beCmlong here
CShe's running out
CmShe's run run run run
Verse 3
Whatever makes you Ghappy, whatever you Bwant
You're so very Cspecial, Wish I was Cmspecial
But I'm a Gcreep, I'm a Bwierdo
What the hell am I doin' Chere?
CShe's running out
I don't beCmlong here
I don't belong Ghere
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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Original Song Key: G Major