Ride chordsTwenty One Pilots
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F# G#m D#m B
F# G#m D#m B
Verse 1
F#I just wanna stay in the sun G#mwhere I fD#mind
I know it’s hard sBometimes
F#Pieces of peace in the sun’s G#mpeace of minD#md
I know it’s hard sBometimes
F#Yeah I think about the end just G#mway too mucD#mh
But it’s fun to fBantasize
F#On my enemies I wouldn’t wish G#mwho I wasD#m
But it’s fun to fBantasize
F#Oh oh whoa, oh oh G#mwhoa
I’m D#mfalling so I’m taking my Btime on my F#ride
Oh oh G#mwhoa
Oh oh G#mwhoa
I’m D#mfalling so I’m taking my Btime on my F#rideG#m D#m
I'm taking my Btime on my F#rideG#m D#m B
Verse 2
F#"I'd die for you," that's easy to say
Oh oh whG#moa
We have a list of people G#mthat we would take
D#ma bullet for them, a bullet for you
a bullet for everybBody in this room
But I F#don't seem to see many bullets coming through
See many G#mbullets coming through
D#mMetaphorically I'm the man
But literally I don't know Bwhat I'd do
"I'd F#live for you," and that's hard to do
Even harder to say when you G#mknow it's not true
D#ma bullet for them, a bullet for you
Even D#mharder to write when you know that tonight
There were people back home who tried Btalking to you
F#But then you ignore them still
I'm taking my Btime on my F#rideD#m G#m B
All these questions they’re for G#mreal
Like who would you D#mlive for? Who would you die for?
And would you ever kBill?
F#Oh oh whoa, oh oh whoG#ma
I’m D#mfalling so I’m taking my Btime on my F#ride
Oh oh whG#moa
I’m D#mfalling so I’m taking my Btime on my F#rideG#m D#m
All these questions they’re for G#mreal
I'm taking my tBime on my F#rideG#m D#m B
F#I’ve been thinking too mucG#mh C#
I've been thinking too much, I've been D#mthinking too C#much
I’ve been thinking too mucD#mh G#m
I’ve been thinking too mucD#mh C#
I’ve been thinking too much
C#Help F#me
I’ve been thinking too muG#mch C#
I’ve been thinking too muD#mch G#m
I'm D#mfalling so I'm tBaking my time on myF#
I’ve been thinking too muD#mch C#
C#I’ve been thinking too muC#ch
F#Oh oh whoa, oh oh G#mwhoa
I’m D#mfalling so I’m taking my Btime on my F#ride
I’ve been thinking too mucG#mh D#m
Oh oh G#mwhoa
I’m D#mfalling so I’m Btaking my tiF#me G#m D#m
I'm taking my tBime on my F#rideG#m
D#mWhoa, yBeah
F#Oh oh whoa, oh oh wG#mhoa,
I'm D#mfalling so I'm taking my Btime on my F#ride
Even D#mharder to write when you know that tonight
Oh Oh G#mWhoa
I'm D#mfalling so I'm tBaking my time on myF#
F#I’ve been tG#mhinking C#too much, D#mHelp G#mme
I’ve been tD#mhinking C#too much C#HelpF# me
I've been thinking too much, I've been G#mthinking too C#much
I've been thinking too much, D#mHelp G#mme
I've been thinking too much, I've been D#mthinking too C#much
I’ve been thinking too muG#mch C#
C#Help mF#e
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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Original Song Key: F# Major