Sunday Morning chordsMaroon 5
★★★★★(5 stars, 1 vote)
Dm7 G C
Dm7 G C
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Dm7 Sunday mornGing rain is faClling
Dm7 Steal some covGers share somCe skin
Dm7 Clouds are Gshrouding us in mComents unforgettable
You Dm7twist to fit the mGold that I amC in
But tDm7hings just get so crGazy living liCfe gets hard to do
And I would Dm7gladly hit the Groad get up and Cgo if I knew
That Dm7someday it would lGead me back to Cyou
That Dm7someday it would lGead me back to Cyou
That may be Dm7all GI Cneed
In darkness she is Dm7all GI Csee
Come and rest your Dm7bones wGith Cme
Change the Dm7weather still togeCther when it Gends
Driving slow on Sunday Dm7morning
And I nGever want to lCeave
Куплет 2
Dm7 Fingers tGrace your every oCutline
Dm7 Paint a pGicture with mCy hands
Driving slow on Sunday Dm7morning
Dm7 Back and fGorth we sway like Cbranches in a storm
Change the Dm7weather still togeGther when it Cends
That may be Dm7all GI Cneed
In darkness she is Dm7all GI Csee
Come and rest your Dm7bones wGith Cme
Driving slow on Sunday Dm7morning
Singing, "Dm7Someday it'll brinCg me back to yoGu."
And I Gnever want to Cleave
But tDm7hings just get so crGazy, living liCfe gets hard to do
Sunday Dm7morning, rain is Gfalling and I'm Ccalling out to you
In darkness she is Dm7all CI Gsee
Singing, "Dm7Someday it'll brinGg me back to yoCu."
Find a Dm7way to bring Gmyself back home to Cyou
That may be Dm7all GI Cneed
In darkness she is Dm7all GI Csee
Come and rest your Dm7bones wGith Cme
Driving slow on Sunday Dm7morning
And I nCever want to lGeave
And I Gnever want to Cleave
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