Here Comes The Sun chordsThe Beatles
★★★★★(5 stars, 6 votes)
Введение (2x)
A D E7
AHere comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
DHere comes the B7sun
AIt's alrightD A Bm A E7
ALittle darling
It's been a Dlong cold lonely E7winter
ALittle darling
And I say
It feels like Dyears since it's been E7here
AHere comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
DHere comes the B7sun
It's been a Dlong cold lonely E7winter
And I say
AIt's alrightD A Bm A E7
ALittle darling
The smiles reDturning to the E7faces
DIt's alrightA A E7 A Bm
ALittle darling
It seems like Dyears since it's been E7here
AHere comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
DHere comes the B7sun
And I say
DHere comes the B7sun
AIt's alrightD A Bm A E7
Бридж (5x)
CSun, Gsun, Dsun, here it Acomes E7
ALittle darling
I feel that Dice is slowly E7melting
ALittle darling
And I say
It seems like Dyears since it's been E7clear
AHere comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
DHere comes the B7sun
I feel that Dice is slowly E7melting
And I say
AIt's alrightD A Bm A E7
AHere comes the sun (doo doo doo doo)
DHere comes the B7sun
And I say
ALittle darling
AIt's alrightD A Bm A E7
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