Bellyache chordsBillie Eilish
★★★★★(4.22 stars, 9 votes)
CMy Am Em
CMy Am Em
C Am Em
詩 1
CSitting all alone
In the Emdriveway
My Cfriends aren't far
In the Amback of my car
Lay their Embodies
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
詩 2
They'll Cbe here pretty soon
AmLooking through my room
But now I got a bellyEmache
For the Emmoney
I'm Cbiting my nails
I'm too Amyoung to go to jail
It's kinda Emfunny
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
Where's my CminAmd
Where I left my Amlover
Where's my Emmind
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
Where I left my Amlover
The Amway I wear my noose
What an expensiveEm fate
My V is for VenCdetta
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyEmache
詩 3
CEverything I do
I don't Emmind
The Amway I wear my noose
Like a Emnecklace
I Cwanna make 'em scared
Like I Amcould be anywhere
Like I'm Emreckless
I lost my CminAmd
I don't Emmind
Where's my CminAmd
But now I got a bellyEmache
Where's my Emmind
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
Where I left my Amlover
It's kinda Emfunny
What an expensiveEm fate
My V is for VenCdetta
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyEmache
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
Where I left my Amlover
Where's my CminAmd
What an expensiveEm fate
My V is for VenCdetta
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyache