everything i wanted chordsBillie Eilish
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Giới thiệu
Dmaj7 E C#m Dmaj7
Dmaj7 E C#m Dmaj7
Thơ 1
Dmaj7I had a drEeam
C#mI got everything I wDmaj7anted
Dmaj7Not what you thEink
C#mAnd if I'm being hDmaj7onest
It might have been a niDmaj7ghtmare E
To anyone who mC#might care Dmaj7
Dmaj7Thought I could fEly
C#mSo I stepped off the GDmaj7olden
NC#mobody even nDmaj7oticed
I saw them standing Dmaj7right there E
Dmaj7If I could chEange
Kinda thought they mC#might care Dmaj7
Hợp xướng trước
Dmaj7I had a drEeam
What would they say inDmaj7stead
C#mI got everything I wDmaj7anted
But Dmaj7when I wake up EI see
C#mYou're withDmaj7 me
And you Dmaj7say
Điệp khúc
As long as IE'm here
C#mNo one can Dmaj7hurt you
Dmaj7Don't wanna lEie here
C#mBut you can lDmaj7earn to
Dmaj7If I could chEange
ButC#m I don't wanna let anDmaj7ybody know
The C#7way that you Dmaj7see yourself
Dmaj7You wouldn't wonder wEhy you hear
C#m"They don't dDmaj7eserve you"
Thơ 2
Dmaj7I tried to scEream
C#mBut my head was under Dmaj7water
Dmaj7They called me wEeak
Dmaj7I had a drEeam
C#mLike I'm not just somebody's dDmaj7aughter
Could've been a niDmaj7ghtmare E
But it felt like they were rC#might there Dmaj7
And it Dmaj7feels like yesterday was a yEear ago
ButC#m I don't wanna let anDmaj7ybody know
Cause evDmaj7erybody wants something fErom me now
Could've been a niDmaj7ghtmare E
AndC#m I don't want Dmaj7them down
Hợp xướng trước
Dmaj7I had a drEeam
C#mI got everything I wDmaj7anted
As long as IE'm here
But Dmaj7when I wake up EI see
C#mYou're withDmaj7 me
And you Dmaj7say
Điệp khúc
As long as IE'm here
Dmaj7Thought I could fEly
C#mNo one can Dmaj7hurt you
Dmaj7Don't wanna lEie here
C#mBut you can lDmaj7earn to
Dmaj7If I could chEange
The C#7way that you Dmaj7see yourself
Dmaj7You wouldn't wonder wEhy you hear
C#m"They don't dDmaj7eserve you"
Xen kẽ
Dmaj7If I knew it all tEhen
C#mYou're withDmaj7 me
Would I do it aC#mgain
Would I do it aDmaj7gain
Dmaj7If they knew what they sEaid
Would go straight to my C#mhead
What would they say iDmaj7nstead
Dmaj7If I knew it all tEhen
Would I do it aC#7gain
Would I do it aDmaj7gain
Dmaj7If they knew what they sEaid
Would go straight to my C#mhead
Would go straight to my C#mhead
What would they say inDmaj7stead
Ra ngoài
Dmaj7 E C#m Dmaj7
Dmaj7 E C#m Dmaj7
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
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