Let It Go chordsDisney
★★★★★(4.69 stars, 13 votes)
Điệp khúc
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Can't Emhold you back anyCmore
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
Thơ 1
The Emsnow glows white on the Cmountain tonight
Not a Dfootprint to be Amseen
A Emkingdom of isolCation and it Dlooks like I'm the Amqueen
Em The wind is Chowling like the Dswirling storm inAmside
Em Couldn't keep it Din, heaven knows IA tried
D Don't let them in, don't let them Csee
C You won'tD find me,Em the past is Gso behind me
Be the good girl you always had to be
D Conceal, don't feel, don't let them Cknow
Well, Cnow they know
Điệp khúc
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Can't Emhold you back anyCmore
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
C Don't let them in, don't let them Dsee
And Ghere I Dstand, and Emhere I'll Cstay
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
The Ccold never bothered me anyway
Thơ 2
It's Emfunny how some Cdistance
Makes Deverything seem Amsmall
Let it Dgo, let it Ggo
And the Emfears that once conCtrolled me
Can't Dget to me at aAll
EmUp here in the Ccold thin air
I Dfinally can brAmeathe
I Emknow I left a Clife behind but I'm Dtoo relieved to Agrieve
Điệp khúc
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Can't Emhold you back anyCmore
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
And Ghere I Dstand
And Emhere I'll Cstay
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
The Ccold never bothered me anyway
Xen kẽ
G StandingD frozenEm in the Clife I've chosen
G You won'tD find me,Em the past is Cso behind me
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
G BuriedD in the Emsnow C
Điệp khúc
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Can't Emhold you back anyCmore
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
Turn my Emback and slam the Cdoor
And Ghere I Dstand
And Emhere I'll Cstay
Let it Ggo, let it Dgo
EmUp here in the Ccold thin air
The Ccold never bothered me anyway
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
Ẩn sơ đồ người mới bắt đầu
G hợp âm
D hợp âm
Em hợp âm
C hợp âm
Am hợp âm
A hợp âm

Auto Scroll
Nguyên tắc gốc: G trưởng
Frozen soundtrack by Demi Lovato