Leaving On A Jet Plane chordsJohn Denver
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Giới thiệu
Thơ 1
All my Gbags are packed, I'm rCeady to go,
I'm sGtanding here outsCide your door,
I hGate to wake you Cup to say goodDbye.
But the dGawn is breaking, it's eCarly morn,
The tGaxi's waitin', he's blCowing his horn,
AlGready I'm so lConesome I could dDie.
Điệp khúc
So kGiss me and sCmile for me,
GTell me that you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like you'll Cnever let me Dgo.
'Cause I'm lGeaving Con a jet plane,
GDon't know when CI'll be back again,
So mCany times I pGlayed around,
GOh, bCabe, I hate toD go.
Thơ 2
There's so Gmany times I've Clet you down,
So mGany times I pClayed around,
I tGell you now thCey don't mean a Dthing.
Every pGlace I go I'll tChink of you,
CHold me like you'll Gnever let me Dgo.
Every sGong I sing I'll sCing for you,
When GI come back I'll bCring your wedding Dring.
Điệp khúc
So kGiss me and sCmile for me,
GTell me that you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like you'll Cnever let me Dgo.
'Cause I'm lGeaving Con a jet plane,
GDon't know when CI'll be back again,
COh, bGabe, I hate toD go.
GOh, bCabe, I hate toD go.
Thơ 3
GNow the time has cCome to leave you,
GOne more time lCet me kiss you,
Then Gclose your eyes, and CI'll be on my Dway.
GDream about the dCays to come,
When GI won't have to lCeave alone,
AGbout the times CI won't have to sDay:
Điệp khúc
KGiss me and sCmile for me,
GTell me that you'll Cwait for me,
GHold me like you'll Cnever let me Dgo.
'Cause I'm lGeaving Con a jet plane,
GDon't know when CI'll be back again,
When CI won't have to lGeave alone,
GOh, bCabe, I hate toD go.
Ra ngoài
I'm lGeaving Con a jet plane,
'Cause I'm lCeaving Gon a jet plane,
GDon't know when IC'll be back again,
GOh, bCabe, I hate to Dgo.
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
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