Party In The USA chords
Miley Cyrus

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Giới thiệu
F# A#m D#m C#
Thơ 1
I F#hopped off the plane at A#mLAX With a D#mdream and my cardiC#gan
F#Welcome to the land of A#mfame excess, D#mam I gonna fit C#in?
F#Jumped in the cab, here I A#mam for the first timeD#m
Look to the right and I C#see the Hollywood sign
F#This is all so A#mcrazy, D#meverybody seems so C#famous
Hợp xướng trước
F#My tummy's turnin and I'm A#mfeelin kinda home sickD#m
Too much pressure and I'm C#nervous
That's when the F#taxi man turned on the A#mradio
And a D#mJay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
C#YeaaD#mhhhh,A#m it's a party in the USF#A
And the Jay-Z song was on
Điệp khúc
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
And a D#mBritney song was on
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
Thơ 2
F#Get to the club in my A#mtaxi cab D#meverybody's lookin at me C#now
C#Noddin my head like D#myeah, A#mmovin my hips like F#yeah
Like F#who's that chick that's A#mrocking kicks?
D#mShe's gotta be from out of C#town
F#So hard with my A#mgirls not around D#mme
It's definitely not a C#Nashville party
F#Cause all I see are A#mstilettos, D#mI guess I never got the C#memo
Hợp xướng trước
F#My tummy's turnin and I'm A#mfeelin kinda home sickD#m
Too much pressure and I'm C#nervous
That's when the F#DJ dropped my A#mfavorite tune
And a D#mBritney song was on
C#YeaaD#mhhhh,A#m it's a party in the USF#A
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
Điệp khúc
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
G#mBack to my hometown tonA#might (town tonight)
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
Xen kẽ
A#mFeel like hoppin' on a D#mflight (on a flight)
A#mBack to my hometown tonG#might (town tonight)
C#YeaaD#mhhhh,A#m it's a party in the USF#A
A#mSomething stops me everyD#m time (every time)
The BDJ plays my song and I feel alrC#ight
Điệp khúc
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
C#Get to the club in my D#mtaxi cab A#meverybody's lookin at me F#now
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
Điệp khúc
So I put my F#hands up, A#mthey’re playing my song
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the D#mbutterflies fly aC#way
F#Noddin my head like A#myeah, D#mmovin my hips like C#yeah
F#I got my hands up, they’re A#mplayin my song
D#mI know I'm gonna be okC#
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
F#YeaaA#mhhhh,D#m it's a party in the USC#A
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
Ẩn sơ đồ người mới bắt đầu
F# hợp âm
A#m hợp âm
D#m hợp âm
C# hợp âm
G#m hợp âm
B hợp âm
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