Hopeless Wanderer chordsMumford & Sons
★★★★★(5 stars, 1 vote)
Giới thiệu
Bb Dm Cm
Gm F Eb
Thơ 1
You Bbheard Dmmy Cmvoice
I came Gmout of the Fwoods by Ebchoice
BbShelter also Dmgave their Cmshade
But in the Gmdark I Fhave no Ebname
BbSo leave that Dmclick in my Cmhead
I will reGmmember the Fwords that you Ebsaid
Gm Gm Gm Gm
BbLeft a clouded mind and a Dmheavy Cmheart
But I was Gmsure we could Fsee a new Ebstart
Điệp khúc
Gm F So when your Bbhopes on Ebfire
Gm F But you know Bbyour deEbsire
BbSo leave that Cmclick in my Dmhead
Don't hold a Gmglass over the Fflame
Don't let your Bbheart grow Ebcold
I will Gmcall you by Fname
I will Bbshare your Ebroad
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
Don't let your Ebheart grow Bbcold
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
Xen kẽ
Bb Dm Cm
Gm F Eb
Thơ 2
BbI wrestled Dmlong with my Cmyouth
BbThe Ebskies FI Gmwander
We tried so Gmhard to Flive in theEb truth
BbBut do not tell me Dmall isCm fine
When I lose my Gmhead, I Flose myEb spine
BbSo leave that Dmclick in myCm head
I will reGmmember the Fwords that youEb said
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
BbYou brought me out Dmfrom theCm cold
Now how I Gmlong, how I Flong to growEb old
Điệp khúc
Gm F So when your Bbhopes on Ebfire
Gm F But you know Bbyour deEbsire
CmI wrestled Dmlong with my Bbyouth
Don't hold a Gmglass over the Fflame
Don't let your Bbheart grow Ebcold
I will Gmcall you by Fname
I will Bbshare your Ebroad
Nhạc cụ
Gm Gm Gm Gm
I will reEbmember the Fwords that youGm said
Eb Bb F Gm Gm
Eb Bb F Gm Gm
Điệp khúc
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
GmHold me fast,Gm hold me fast
Cause I'm a EbhopeBbless FwanGmderer
GmI will learn, I will Gmlearn to love the Ebskies BbI waFndeGmr
GmI will learn, I will Gmlearn to love the Ebskies BbI waFndeGmr
Don't let your Ebheart grow Bbcold
EbThe Bbskies FI Gmwander
Ra ngoài
Eb Eb
Bb Bb Bb Bb
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
Bài hát của các nghệ sĩ khác
Ẩn sơ đồ người mới bắt đầu
Bb hợp âm
Dm hợp âm
Cm hợp âm
Gm hợp âm
F hợp âm
Eb hợp âm

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