Wonderwall chordsOasis
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Giới thiệu
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
F#m A E B
Thơ 1
F#mToday is gAonna be the day
That they're Egonna throw it back to Byou
F#mBy now you sAhould of somehow
ReaElised what you gotta Bdo
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About youD now E B
Thơ 2
F#mBack beat, the wAord is on the street
And F#mafter aAll F#m D
That the Efire in your heart is Bout
F#mI'm sure you've hAeard it all before
But you Enever really had a Bdoubt
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About you F#mnow A E B
Xen kẽ
And Dall the roads we Ehave to walk are F#mwinding
F#mBy now you sAhould have somehow
And Dall the lights that Elead us there are F#mblinding
DThere are many Ethings that I would Alike to Asay to Ayou
But I Adon't know Bhow
Điệp khúc
Because Dmaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
And Eall the roads we Dhave to walk are F#mwinding
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m B
Thơ 3
F#mToday was gAonna be the day
You're F#mgonna be the one that sAaves me F#m D
But they'll Enever throw it back at Byou
F#mBy now you sAhould have somehow
ReaElised what you've gotta Bdo
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fEeels the way I dBo
About you F#mnow A E B
Xen kẽ
And Dall the roads we Ehave to walk are F#mwinding
F#mI don't believe that aAnybody fBeels the way I dEo
And Dall the lights that Elead us there are F#mblinding
DThere are many Ethings that I would Alike to Asay to Ayou
But I Adon't know Bhow
Điệp khúc
I said mDaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
And F#mafter aAll F#m D
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m
Điệp khúc
I said mDaybe F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sAaves me F#m D
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
And F#mafter aDll F#m A
You're my F#mwonderwDall F#m A F#m
Ra ngoài
I said mDaybe F#m A
A F#m D F#m
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A
You're F#mgonna be the one that sDaves me F#m A F#m
Nhạc cụ
D F#m A F#m
D F#m A F#m
And Eall the roads we Dhave to walk are F#mwinding
D F#m A F#m
D F#m A F#m
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
Bài hát của các nghệ sĩ khác
Ẩn sơ đồ người mới bắt đầu
F#m hợp âm
A hợp âm
E hợp âm
B hợp âm
D hợp âm

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