We Don't Believe What's On TV chords
Twenty One Pilots

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Giới thiệu
F#m E A A
F#m E A A
We don't beF#mlieve what's Eon TAV
Because it's wF#mhat we Ewant to Asee
And what we F#mwant we know Ewe can't belAieve
We all have F#mlearned to Ekill our Adreams
I Bmneed to know
That F#mwhen I fail you'd still be Ahere... mA7mmm
Cause Bmif you stick around, I'll Dsing you pretty sounds
Cause Bmif you stick around, I'll Dsing you pretty sounds
And we'll make Emoney selling your hair
C#I don't care what's Din your hair
When I wake F#mup from a Adreamer's Esleep
I just waAnna know what's on your Emind
I C#used to say I wanna Ddie before I'm old
But Abecause of you I might think Etwice
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Xen kẽ
F#m E A A
F#m E A A
What if my F#mdream does Enot Ahappen?
Would I just F#mchange what I've Etold my Afriends?
But Ebecause of you I might think Atwice
Don't want to F#mknow who EI would Abe
When I wake F#mup from a Edreamer's Asleep
I Bmneed to know
That F#mwhen I fail you'd still be Ahere... mA7mmm
And we'll make Emoney selling your hair
Cause Bmif you stick around, I'll Dsing you pretty sounds
And we'll make Emoney selling your hair
C#I don't care what's Din your hair
I just waAnna know what's on your Emind
I C#used to say I wanna Ddie before I'm old
But Abecause of you I might think Etwice
C#I don't care what's Din your hair
I just waAnna know what's on your Emind
I C#used to say I wanna Ddie before I'm old
But Abecause of you I might think Etwice
C#I don't care what's Din your hair
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Ra ngoài
F#m E A A
F#m E A A
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
Ẩn sơ đồ người mới bắt đầu
F#m hợp âm
E hợp âm
A hợp âm
Bm hợp âm
A7 hợp âm
D hợp âm
C# hợp âm
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