The Hanukkah Song chords
Adam Sandler

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APut on your Eyarmulke, Dhere comes EHanukkah
AIt's so much Efun-akkah, to Dcelebrate EHanukkah
Verso 1
AHanukkah Eis the DFestival of ELights
AInstead of one day of Epresents, we have Deight crazy Enights
AWhen you feel like the only Ekid in town
EDavid Lee ERoth Dlights the menoArah
WithDout a ChristEmas tree
AHere's a list of Epeople who are Jewish
DJust like you and Eme
ADavid Lee ERoth Dlights the menoErah
EWhen you feel like the only Akid in town
ASo do Kirk DougElas, James Caan
And the Dlate Dinah EShore-ah
AGuess who eats toEgether at the DCarnegie EDeli
ABowzer from ESha-na-na, and DArthur FonzerErelli
APaul Newman's half EJewish and DGoldie Hawn's half Etoo
APut them toEgether, what a Dfine looking EJew! E7 E
DYou don't need "Deck the Halls" or "Jingle Bell Rock"
ECause you can spin a dreidel
ATell your friend VerEonica it's Dtime you celebrate EHanukkah
With Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock - both Jewish! E7
APut on your Eyarmulke, it's Dtime for EHanukkah
The Aowner of the Seattle SuperEsonic-ah Dcelebrates EHanukkah
Verso 2
AO.J. ESimpson... Dnot a EJew!
But Aguess who Eis Hall of DFame-er Rod CaErew (he converted)
AWe got Ann ELanders and her Dsister Dear EAbby
AHarrison Ford's a Equarter Jewish, Dnot too Eshabby
ASome people Ethink that DEbenezer EScrooge is
Well, he's Anot, but Eguess who is
Have a Ahappy, happy, Ehappy, happy DHanukkah
DAll three EstoogeE7s E
DSo many Jews are in show biz...
ETom Cruise isn't, but I think his agent is E7
DAll three EstoogeE7s E
ATell your friend VerEonica it's Dtime you celebrate EHanukkah
I Ahope I get a harEmonica, on this Dlovely, lovely EHanukkah
So Adrink your gin-n-Etonic-ah, and Dsmoke your mariEjuana-kah
ECause you can spin a dreidel
If you Areally, really Ewanna-kah,
Have a Dhappy, happy, Ehappy, happy AHanukkah
Happy Hanukkah!
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Tonalidad original: A Mayor
Performed on Saturday Night Live