You Are My Sunshine chords
Johnny Cash

(5 stars, 3 votes)
Verso 1
I dreamed I Dheld you in my Aarms
When I aDwoke dear I was misAtaken
So I Abowed my Ehead and I Acried
YAou are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me Dhappy when skies are Agray
You'll never Dknow dear, how much I Alove you
Please don't take my Esunshine Aaway
Verso 2
IA always loved you and made you happy
And nothing eDlse could come betAween
Please don't take my Asunshine Eaway
But now you've Dleft me to love another
You have shattered Eall my Adreams
YAou are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You have shattered Aall my Edreams
You make me Dhappy when skies are Agray
You'll never Dknow dear, how much I Alove you
Please don't take my Esunshine Aaway
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