Merry Christmas (I Don't Wanna Fight Tonight) chords

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CMerry Christmas, I Fdon't want to Gfight tonight with
C Merry Christmas, I Fdon't want to Gfight tonight
C Merry Christmas, I Fdon't want to Gfight tonight with Cyou
Verso 1
C Where is Santa? FAnd his Gsleigh?
C Tell me why is it Falways this Gway?
'cause DChristmas ain't the time for breaking
C Where is Rudolph?F Where is GBlitzen, baby?
C Merry Christmas, Fmerry merry Gmerry Christmas
C All the children are Ftucked in their Gbeds
C Sugar-plum fairies dancing Fin their Gheads
C Snowball fighting,F so excGiting baby C F C
FI love you and Fmyou love me
And Cthat's the way C7it's got to be
F I knew it Fmfrom the start
F Where is Rudolph?C Where is GBlitzen, baby?
'cause DChristmas ain't the time for breaking
Geach other's hearts
Verso 2
C Where is Santa? FAnd his Gsleigh?
C Tell me why is it Falways this Gway?
C Where is Rudolph?F Where is GBlitzen, baby?
C Merry Christmas, Fmerry merry Gmerry Christmas
F Merry Christmas, I Cdon't want to Gfight tonight with
C All the children are Ftucked in their Gbeds
C Sugar-plum fairies dancing Fin their Gheads
C Snowball fighting,F so excGiting baby C F C
a yeah yeah yeah
FI love you and Fmyou love me
And Cthat's the way C7it's got to be
C Where is Santa? GAnd his Fsleigh?
F I knew it Fmfrom the start
'cause DChristmas ain't the time for breaking
Geach other's hearts
C Merry Christmas, I Fdon't want to Gfight tonight with
C Merry Christmas, I Fdon't want to Gfight tonight with
And Cthat's the way C7it's got to be
C Merry Christmas, FI don't want to Gfight tonight with Cyou
El arreglo mostrado a continuación es el trabajo del autor como interpretación de la canción, al igual que el contenido interactivo relacionado. Este trabajo solo puede ser utilizado con fines educativos.
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Tonalidad original: C Mayor