Come Together chords
The Beatles

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Verso 1
DmHere come old flattop he come Dmgrooving up slowly
He got Dmjuju eyeball he one Dmholy roller
He got A7hair down A7to his knee
G7Got to be a joker he just G7do what he please Dm
Verso 2
DmHe wear no shoeshine he got Dmtoe-jam football
He got Dmmonkey finger he shoot Dmcoca-cola
He say "A7I know you, A7you know me"
G7One thing I can tell you is you G7got to be free
Come toBmgether right GnowA over me Dm
Verso 3
DmHe bag production he got Dmwalrus gumboot
He got Dmono sideboard he one Dmspinal cracker
He got A7feet down bA7elow his knee
DmHe roller-coaster he got eDmarly warning
G7Hold you in his armchair you can G7feel his disease
Come toBmgether right nGowA over me Dm
Verso 4
DmHe roller-coaster he got eDmarly warning
He got Dmmuddy water he one Dmmojo filter
He say A7"one and one and one is three"
DmHe bag production he got Dmwalrus gumboot
G7Got to be good-looking 'cause he's G7so hard to see
Come toBmgether right nGowA over Dmme
El arreglo mostrado a continuación es el trabajo del autor como interpretación de la canción, al igual que el contenido interactivo relacionado. Este trabajo solo puede ser utilizado con fines educativos.
Ocultar diagramas simples
acorde Dm
acorde A7
acorde G7
acorde Bm
acorde G
acorde A
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Tonalidad original: B Menor