Stand By Me chordsBen E. King
★★★★★(5 stars, 2 votes)
A F#m D E A
Versetto 1
When the Anight has come F#mand the land is dark
and the Dmoon is the Eonly light we'll Asee
No I Awon't be afraid oh I F#mwon't be afraid
Just as Dlong as you Estand, stand by Ame
So darling darling Astand, by me
So darling darling Astand, by me
Oh oh, F#mstand by me
Oh Dstand,E stand by me,A stand by me
Versetto 2
If the Asky that we look upon, F#mshould tumble and fall
Oh oh, F#mstand by me
Or the Dmountains, should Ecrumble, to the Asea
I won't Acry, I won't cry, no I F#mwon't shed a tear
Just as Dlong as you Estand, stand byA me
So darling darling Astand, by me
Oh oh, F#mstand by me
So darling darling Astand, by me
Oh Dstand,E stand by me,A stand by me
A F#m D E A
So darling darling Astand, by me
Oh oh, F#mstand by me
Oh Dstand,E stand by me,A stand by me
Or the Dmountains, should Acrumble, to the Esea
Whenever you're in trouble won't you Astand by me
Ohhh F#mstand by me oh Dstand by me, Estand by me, Astand by me
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