Shape Of You chords
Ed Sheeran

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C#m F#m A B
C#m F#m A B
Versetto 1
The C#mclub isn't the best F#mplace to find a lover
So the Abar is where I Bgo
C#mMe and my friends at the F#mtable doing shots
Drinking Afast and then we Btalk slow
Come C#mover and start up a converF#msation with just me
And Atrust me I'll give it a Bchance now
Take my C#mhand, stop, put Van theF#m man on the jukebox
And Athen we start to Bdance, and now I'm singing like
C#mGirl, you know I F#mwant your love
AYour love was handmade Bfor somebody like C#mme
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
AI may be crazy, Bdon't mind me, say
C#mBoy, let's not F#mtalk too much
AGrab on my waist and Bput that body on C#mme
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
F#m Come on, be my C#mbaby, come on
ACome - come on now, follow my lead
C#m I'm in F#mlove with the shape of Ayou
We push and Bpull like a magnet C#mdo
Although my F#mheart is falling Atoo
I'm in Blove with your body
C#m And last F#mnight you were in my Aroom
And now my Bbedsheets smell like C#myou
Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
F#mOoh ah C#mooh ah Booh ah IA'm in love with your body
Well I'm in Blove with your body
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
Well I'm in Blove with your body
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
C#m Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
I'm in Blove with the shape of you
Versetto 2
C#mOne week in we let the F#mstory begin
We're going Aout on our first Bdate
You and C#mme are thrifty, so go F#mall you can eat
Fill up your Abag and I fill up a Bplate
We talk for C#mhours and hours about the F#msweet and the sour
And how your Afamily is doin' oBkay
Leave and get C#min a taxi, then F#mkiss in the backseat
F#mOoh ah C#mooh ah Booh ah IA'm in love with your body
Tell the Adriver make the radio Bplay, and I'm singing like
C#mGirl, you know I F#mwant your love
AYour love was handmade Bfor somebody like C#mme
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
AI may be crazy, Bdon't mind me, say
C#mBoy, let's not taF#mlk too much
AGrab on my waist and Bput that body on C#mme
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
ACome - come on now, follow my lead
C#m I'm in F#mlove with the shape of Ayou
We push and Bpull like a magnet C#mdo
Although my F#mheart is falling Atoo
I'm in Blove with your body
C#m And last F#mnight you were in my Aroom
And now my Bbedsheets smell like C#myou
B Come on, be my Ababy, come on
Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
Well I'm in Blove with your body
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
F#m And last C#mnight you were in my Aroom
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
C#mOoh ah F#mooh ah Aooh ah IB'm in love with your body
C#m Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
I'm in Blove with the shape of you
Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on
Come on, be my baby, come on
Tell the Bdriver make the radio Aplay, and I'm singing like
Come on, be my baby, come on
C#m Come on, be my F#mbaby, come on
A Come on, be my Bbaby, come on
C#m Come on, be my F#mbaby, come on
A Come on, be my Bbaby, come on
C#m I'm in F#mlove with the shape of Ayou
We push and Bpull like a magnet C#mdo
Although my F#mheart is falling Atoo
I'm in Blove with your body
Come on now, F#mfollow my lead
C#m And last F#mnight you were in my Aroom
And now my Bbedsheets smell like C#myou
Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
Well I'm in Blove with your body
C#m Come on, be my F#mbaby, come on
A Come on, be my Bbaby, come on
C#m Come on, be my F#mbaby, come on
A Come on, be my Bbaby, come on
Well I'm in Blove with your body
C#m Come on, be my F#mbaby, come on
A Come on, be my Bbaby, come on
C#m Every day discoveF#mring something brand Anew
I'm in Blove with the shape of you
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
C#m accordo
F#m accordo
A accordo
B accordo
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Tonalità originale: C# Minore