Everybody Wants To Rule The World chords
Tears for Fears

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Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6
Versetto 1
Welcome to your Dmaj7life G6
There's no turning Dmaj7back G6
Even while we slDmaj7eep G6
We will find you
EmActing on your F#mbest behavior
GTurn your back on F#mmother nature
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the woDmaj7rld G6
AWhen they do I'll be riDght DbehinGd yAou
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Versetto 2
It's my own deDmaj7sign G6
It's my own reDmaj7morse G6
EmAll for freedom F#mand for pleasure
Help me to decDmaj7ide G6
Help me make the
EmMost of freedom F#mand of pleasure
GNothing ever F#mlasts forever
GMarried with a F#mlack of vision
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the world
GThere's a room where the lDight wDon't fAind yAou
EmEveryF#mbody Awants to Grule the world
GHolding hands while the waDlls coDme tumAblingA down
GWhen they do I'll be riDght DbehinAd yAou
EmSo glad we've F#malmost made it
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
GSo sad they F#mhad to fade it
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the woDrld G
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
GSo sad they F#mhad to fade it
Dmaj7 G6
EmI can't stand this F#mindecision
GMarried with a F#mlack of vision
EmSay that you'll F#mnever, never, never, never need it
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the
EmSay that you'll F#mnever, never, never, never need it
GOne headline, F#mwhy believe it?
It's my own reDmaj7morse G6
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the woDrld G
EmAll for freedom F#mand for pleasure
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
GNothing ever F#mlasts forever
EmEveryF#mbody Gwants to Arule the woDmaj7rld G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
Dmaj7 G6 Dmaj7 G6
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Dmaj7 accordo
G6 accordo
Em accordo
F#m accordo
G accordo
A accordo
D accordo
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Tonalità originale: D Maggiore