Maroon 5Ukulele Songs
Maroon 5 is an American pop rock band that originated in Los Angeles, California, United States. The group was formed in 1994 as Kara's Flowers while its members were still in high school and originally consisted of Adam Levine (lead vocals, guitar), Jesse Carmichael (guitar, backing vocals) Mickey Madden (bass guitar) and Ryan Dusick (drums). Kara's Flowers signed to Reprise Records and released an album, "The Fourth World", in 1997. More on
Girls Like You by Maroon 5
Key: C Majeure
C accord
G accord
Am accord
F accord
Maps by Maroon 5
Key: C# Mineure
A accord
B accord
C#m accord
F#m accord
G# accord
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5
Key: B Mineure
Bm7 accord
Em7 accord
She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
Key: C Mineure
Cm accord
Bb accord
Eb accord
Ab accord
Sunday Morning by Maroon 5
Key: D Mineure
Dm7 accord
G accord
C accord
This Love by Maroon 5
Key: C Mineure
G accord
Cm accord
Fm accord
G7 accord
Bb accord
Eb accord
Ab accord
Ebmaj7 accord