WeezerUkulele Songs
Weezer is an American rock band. Formed in 1992, they have released 12 full length albums, 1 covers album, six EPs, and a DVD. Playing music influenced by alternative bands and power pop artists among others, they're sometimes viewed as a part of the 90s indie movement. Weezer started in Los Angeles More on Last.fm
Beverly Hills by Weezer
Key: F Majeure
F accord
Bb accord
C accord
E accord
Buddy Holly by Weezer
Key: F Mineure
Fm accord
Gm accord
Ab accord
Db accord
Eb accord
Bb accord
Happy Hour by Weezer
Key: Db Majeure
Dbmaj7 accord
Eb accord
Bbm7 accord
Cm7 accord
Island In The Sun by Weezer
Key: E Mineure
Em accord
Am accord
D accord
G accord
C accord
Say It Ain't So by Weezer
Key: Eb Majeure
Cm accord
G accord
Ab accord
Eb accord
Bb accord
Db accord