Beverly Hills chordsWeezer
★★★★★(5 stars, 1 vote)
F F Bb Bb
F F Bb Bb
F F Bb Bb
Versículo 1
F Where I come Bbfrom isn't all that great
F My automobile Bbis a piece of crap
F My fashion Bbsense is a little Cwhack
And my friends are just as Escrewy as me
F I didn't Bbgo to boarding schools
F Preppy giBbrls never looked at me
F Why should Bbthey I ain't nobCody
Got nothing in my pocketE
F Beverly BbHills - Cthat's where I Bbwanna Fbe Bb
C Living in BeverlyE Hills
F Beverly BbHills - Crolling like a BbcelebriFty Bb
EAnd I just don't belong C
C Living in BeverlyE Hills
Versículo 2
F Look at aBbll those movie stars
F They're all so Bbbeautiful and clean
F When the Bbhousemaids scrub the Cfloors
They get the spaces inE between
F I wanna Bblive a life like that
F I wanna Bbbe just like a king
F Take my Bbpicture by the Cpool
I might as Cwell enjoy my Flife
Cause I'm the next big Ething
F Beverly BbHills - Cthat's where I Bbwanna beF Bb
CLiving in Beverly EHills
F Beverly BbHills - Crolling like a BbcelebriFty Bb
ELiving in Beverly CHills
CLiving in Beverly EHills
Instrumental (2x)
F F Bb Bb
F F Bb Bb
ELiving in Beverly CHills
F F Bb Bb
F The truth iBbs... FI don't stand a Bbchance
F It's something that you're born Bbinto
CAnd I just don't belong E
No I doFn't - I'm just a Bbno class, beat down Ffool
And I will Falways be that Bbway
I might as Fwell enjoy my Clife
F I wanna Bbbe just like a king
And watch the stars Eplay
F Beverly BbHills - CThat's where I Bbwanna Fbe! Bb
CLiving in Beverly EHills
F Beverly BbHills - CRolling like a BbcelebriFty! Bb
CLiving in Beverly EHills
E Living in BeverlyC Hills
Beverly Hills...
O arranjo de acordes mostrado acima é o próprio trabalho do autor como uma interpretação da música, juntamente com o conteúdo interativo relacionado. Este trabalho pode ser usado apenas para fins educacionais.
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