Hakuna Matata chordsDisney
★★★★★(4.93 stars, 15 votes)
Hakuna FMatata! What a wonderful Cphrase
Hakuna DMatata! Ain't no passing G7craze
It means no Cworries for the rest of your Ddays
It's our Cproblem-free Dphilosophy
Hakuna CMatata!
Hakuna Matata?
GYeah, it's our Fmotto!
What's a Gmotto?
Nothing. What's a-motto with Cyou? G
You know kid, F
Those two words will Gsolve all your Cproblems
That's Cright. Take Pumbaa for example
Why, when Bbhe was a Fyoung wartChog...
When BbI was a Fyoung wart Chog (Very nice - thanks)
He Ebfound his aroma lacked a Fcertain appeal
He could Ebclear the savannah Fafter every meal
I'm a Ebsensitive soul though I Fseem thick-Cskinned
And it Ebhurt that my friends never stood downGwind
And oh, the Cshame (He was ashamed)
Thought of changin' my Gname (Oh! What's in a name?)
And I got downEbhearted (How did ya feel?)
FHakuna Matata! CHakuna matata!
Everytime that I...
Hey! Pumbaa! Not in front of the kids!
Oh, sorry C
Hakuna FMatata! What a wonderful Cphrase
Hakuna DMatata! Ain't no passing G7craze
It means no Cworries for the rest of your Ddays
It's our Cproblem-free Gphilosophy
And it Ebhurt that my friends never stood downGwind
Hakuna CMatata!
[in-movie dialogue]
CHakuna Matata! FHakuna matata!
CHakuna Matata! FHakuna!
It means no Cworries for the rest of your dDays
It's our Gproblem-free Cphilosophy
It's our Cproblem-free Gphilosophy
Hakuna CMatata!
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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