Ocean Eyes chordsBillie Eilish
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Verse 1
CI've Dbeen Emwatching you
CFor Dsome Emtime
CCan't Dstop Emstaring
At those Gocean Ceyes
CBurnDing Emcities and
CNapDalm Emskies
CFifDteen Emflares inside those Gocean Ceyes
Your Gocean eyCes
CNo fDair Em C D Em
You really Cknow how to Dmake me Emcry
When you gimme those Gocean Ceyes
CI'm DscareEmd C D Em
I've never Cfallen from Dquite this Emhigh
Falling into your Gocean Ceyes
Those Gocean Ceyes
Verse 2
CI've Dbeen Emwalking through
CA world Dgone Emblind
CCan't Dstop Emthinking of your Gdiamond Cmind
I've never Dfallen from Cquite this Emhigh
CCareDful Emcreature made
Cfriends Dwith Emtime
He Cleft Dher Emlonely with a Gdiamond Cmind
And those Gocean Ceyes
CNo fDair Em C D Em
You really Cknow how to Dmake me Emcry
When you gimme those Gocean Ceyes
CI'm DscareEmd C D Em
I've never Cfallen from Dquite this Emhigh
Falling into your Gocean Ceyes
C D Em C D Em
Those Gocean Ceyes
C D Em C D Em
C D Em G C
C D Em C D Em
Falling into your Cocean Geyes
C D Em G C G C
CNo fDair Em C D Em
You really Cknow how to Dmake me Emcry
When you gimme those Gocean Ceyes
CI'm DscareEmd C D Em
And those Cocean Geyes
I've never Cfallen from Dquite this Emhigh
Falling into your Gocean Ceyes
Those Gocean Ceyes
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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