Island In The Sun chords

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Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Verse 1
Em Am When you're oDn a hoGlidaEmy Am
You can't fDind the wGords to sEmay Am
All the thDings that cGome to yEmou Am
And I wDanna feGel it tEmoo Am
On an Disland Gin the sEmun Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
G We'll spend some tDime forever
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Verse 2
Em Am When you're oDn a goGlden seEma Am
You don't nDeed no mGemorEmy Am
Hip hip Am(We'Emll nGeveDr feel bad anymore)
Just a plDace to Gcall your oEmwn Am
As we drDift intGo the zEmone Am
On an Disland Gin the sEmun Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
I cAman't contrGol my brDain
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
D We'll run awGay together
I cAman't contrGol my brDain
D We'll spend some tGime forever
C We'll never fAmeel bad anymDore (Hip hip)
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em----Am----D---G Hip hip
Em Am D G
Em Am D G
Em Am D G
G We'll spend some tDime forever
Em Am D G
Em----Am- On an iDsland iGn the suEmn Am
We'll be plDaying and hGaving fEmun Am
And it mDakes me fGeel so fEmine
Am Em G D
I cAman't contrDol my brGain
D We'll run awGay together
As we drGift intDo the zAmone Em
D We'll spend some tGime forever
C We'll never fAmeel bad anymDore
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(We'Amll nDeveGr feel bad anymore)
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(No Amno) D G
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(We'Amll nDeveGr feel bad anymore)
And it mGakes me fDeel so fEmine
Hip hip Em Am D G
Hip hip Em(No Amno) D G
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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Original Song Key: E Minor