Shallow chords
Lady Gaga

(5 stars, 5 votes)
Em D G
Em D G
Куплет 1
Em Tell me Dsomething, Ggirl
C Are you happy in this Gmodern Dworld?
Em Or do Dyou need Gmore?
C Is there something else you're Gsearching Dfor?
Куплет 2
EmI'm Dfall-Gin'
C In all the good times I Gfind myDself longin'
Em Dfor Gchange
AmCrash through the surface Dwhere they can't hurt us
C And in the bad times I Gfear myDself
Em D G
Em D G
Куплет 3
Em Tell me Dsomething, Gboy
C Aren't you tired tryin' to Gfill that Dvoid
D In the Gsha-ha-sha-la-Emla-la-low
Em Or do Dyou need Gmore?
C Ain't it hard keeping it Gso hardDcore?
Куплет 4
EmI'm Dfall-Ging
We're Dfar from the Gshallow Emnow
C In all the good times I Gfind myDself longin'
Em Dfor Gchange
C And in the bad times I Gfear myDself
AmI'm off the deep end, Dwatch as I dive in
D And in the bad times I Gfear myCself
GI'll never Dmeet the Emground
AmCrash through the surface Dwhere they can't hurt us
We're Gfar from the Dshallow Emnow
Am In the sha-ha-Dsha-ha-low
G In the Dsha-ha-sha-la-Emla-la-low
Am In the sha-ha-Dsha-ha-ha-low
Em Or do Gyou need Dmore?
We're Gfar from the Dshallow Emnow
AmI'm off the deep end, Dwatch as I dive in
GI'll never Dmeet the Emground
D And in the bad times I Gfear myCself
AmCrash through the surface Dwhere they can't hurt us
We're Gfar from the Dshallow Emnow
Am In the sha-ha-Dsha-ha-low
G In the Dsha-ha-sha-la-Emla-la-low
Am In the sha-ha-Dsha-ha-ha-low
Am In the sha-ha-Dsha-ha-ha-low
We're Gfar from the Dshallow Emnow
G D Em
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Тональность песни: E Минор
Featured in the movie, "A Star Is Born" with Bradley Cooper