Imagine chordsJohn Lennon
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イントロ (2x)
C Cmaj7 F
詩 1
CImagine there's Cmaj7no heavFen
CIt's easy if Cmaj7you tryF
CNo hell beCmaj7low us F
CAbove us Cmaj7only sFky
FImagine Amall the peoDmple F
Gliving for toG7day
CImagine there's Cmaj7no counFtries
CIt isn't hard Cmaj7to do F
CNothing to kill Cmaj7or die Ffor
CAnd no religionCmaj7 too F
FImagine Amall the peopDmle F
Cbut I'm Gnot the only one F E7
Gliving life in pG7eace
FYou may Gsay I'm a Cdreamer E7
FI hope some Cday you'll Gjoin us E7
Fbut I'm Gnot the only one C E7
FI hope some Gday you'll Cjoin us E7
FAnd the woGrld will Cbe as one
詩 2
CImagine no Cmaj7possessFions
Gliving life in pG7eace
CI wonder if yoCmaj7u can F
CNo need for greed Cmaj7or hungFer
CA brotherhood Cmaj7of man F
FImagine Amall the peoDmple F
Gsharing all the G7world
FYou may Gsay I'm a Cdreamer E7
Fbut I'm Gnot the only one C E7
FI hope some Gday you'll Cjoin us E7
FNo need for greed Cmaj7or hungCer
FAnd the woGrld will Clive as one