Imagine chordsJohn Lennon
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Intro (2x)
C Cmaj7 F
Verse 1
CImagine there's Cmaj7no heavFen
CIt's easy if Cmaj7you tryF
CNo hell beCmaj7low us F
CAbove us Cmaj7only sFky
FImagine Amall the peoDmple F
Gliving for toG7day
CImagine there's Cmaj7no counFtries
CIt isn't hard Cmaj7to do F
CNothing to kill Cmaj7or die Ffor
CAnd no religionCmaj7 too F
FImagine Amall the peopDmle F
GAnd the woFrld will Clive as one
Gliving life in pG7eace
FYou may Gsay I'm a Cdreamer E7
Fbut I'm Gnot the only one C E7
FA brotherhood Cmaj7of man C
FI hope some Gday you'll Cjoin us E7
FAnd the woGrld will Cbe as one
Verse 2
CImagine no Cmaj7possessFions
CI wonder if yoCmaj7u can F
FNothing to kill Cmaj7or die Cfor
CNo need for greed Cmaj7or hungFer
CA brotherhood Cmaj7of man F
FImagine Amall the peoDmple F
Gsharing all the G7world
FYou may Gsay I'm a Cdreamer E7
Fbut I'm Gnot the only one C E7
FI hope some Gday you'll Cjoin us E7
FI hope some Cday you'll Gjoin us E7
FAnd the woGrld will Clive as one
The chord arrangement shown above is the author's own work as an interpretation of the song, along with related interactive content. This work may only be used for educational purposes.
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C chord
Cmaj7 chord
F chord
Am chord
Dm chord
G chord
G7 chord
E7 chord
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Original Song Key: C Major