Take It Easy chordsEagles
★★★★★(5 stars, 1 vote)
Giới thiệu
Thơ 1
Well I'm a Grunnin' down the road try'n to loosen my load
I've got seven women Don my Cmind
GFour that wanna own me, Dtwo that wanna stone me
COne says she's a friend of mineG
Điệp khúc
Take it eEmasy, take it eCasGy
Don't let the Amsound of your own Cwheels drive you cEmrazy
Lighten uCp while you still Gcan
Come on CbaGby, don't say CmayGbe
Don't even Ctry to understGand
Just find a Amplace to make your sCtand, and take it eGasy
Thơ 2
Well, I'm a sGtandin' on a corner in Winslow, Arizona
Such a fine Dsight to Csee
It's a Ggirl my lord in a Dflat-bed Ford
Slowin' Cdown to take a look at mGe
Come on, Emba-Dby, don't say CmayGbe
I gotta Amknow if your sweet Clove is gonna sEmave me
We may Close and we may Gwin
Though we may Cnever be here Gagain
She's Gso hard to fCind
So open Amup I'm climbin' Cin, so take it Geasy
We may Glose and we may Cwin
Em D C G
Am C Em D
Thơ 3
Well, I'm a Grunnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load
Lighten uGp while you still Ccan
Got a world of trouble Don my Ammind
GLookin' for a lover who Dwon't blow my cover
She's Cso hard to fGind
Điệp khúc
Take it eEmasy, take it eCasGy
Don't let the Amsound of your own Cwheels make you cEmrazy
Come on CbaGby, don't say CmayGbe
Oh we got it Ce - G7e - aGsy
I gotta Amknow of your sweet Clove is gonna Gsave me
Ra ngoài
COh oh oh, oh oh oh
GOh oh oh, oh oh oh
COh oh oh, oh oh oh
GOh oh oh, oh oh oh
COh oh oh, oh oh oh
Oh we got it Ge - G7e - aCsy
We oughta take it Ge - G7e - aCsy
Sự sắp xếp hợp âm được hiển thị ở trên là tác phẩm của chính tác giả như là một cách giải thích bài hát, cùng với nội dung tương tác liên quan. Công việc này chỉ có thể được sử dụng cho mục đích giáo dục.
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