Bellyache chordsBillie Eilish
★★★★★(4.22 stars, 9 votes)
CMy Am Em
CMy Am Em
C Am Em
Verso 1
CSitting all alone
In the Emdriveway
My Cfriends aren't far
In the Amback of my car
Lay their Embodies
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
Verso 2
They'll Cbe here pretty soon
AmLooking through my room
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
For the Emmoney
I'm Cbiting my nails
I'm too Amyoung to go to jail
It's kinda Emfunny
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
Where's my Emmind
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
Where I left my Amlover
What an expensiveEm fate
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
My V is for VenCdetta
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyEmache
Verso 3
CEverything I do
The Amway I wear my noose
I'm Cbiting my nails
Like a Emnecklace
I Cwanna make 'em scared
Like I Amcould be anywhere
Like I'm Emreckless
I lost my CminAmd
The Amway I wear my noose
I don't Emmind
Where's my CminAmd
Where's my Emmind
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
Where I left my Amlover
What an expensiveEm fate
My V is for VenCdetta
Where's my CminAmd
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyEmache
Maybe it's in the Cgutter
What an expensiveEm fate
Where I left my Amlover
What an expensiveEm fate
My V is for VenCdetta
Thought that I'd feel Ambetter
But now I got a bellyache
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