Paparazzi chords
Lady Gaga

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Verso 1
CmWhere are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so Abmagical
We'd be so fanCmtastico
CmLeather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't Abhave a price
Ready for those Fmflashing lights
Cause you know that baby I
AbI'm your biggest fan
I'll Ebfollow you until you lFmove me
AbBaby there's no other sEbuperstar
You know that FmI'll be your
My lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry
AbPromise I'll be kEbind
But I won't stop unFmtil that boy is Dbmine
You know that FmI'll be your
AbBaby you'll be famous
EbChase you down until you lFmove me
Verso 2
CmI'll be your girl backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah cause you're my rockstar in beAbtween the sets
Eyeliner and Cmcigarettes
CmReal good, we dance in the studio
CmShadow is burnt, yellow dance and return
My lashes are dry, purple teardrops I cry
It don't Abhave a price
Loving you is Fmcherry pie
Cause you know that baby I
AbI'm your biggest fan
FmChase you down until you lEbove me
I'll Ebfollow you until you lFmove me
AbBaby there's no other sEbuperstar
You know that FmI'll be your
AbPromise I'll be kEbind
But I won't stop unFmtil that boy is Dbmine
AbBaby you'll be famous
EbChase you down until you lFmove me
EbBaby there's no other sAbuperstar
CmReal good, we dance in the studio
Step step, to that shit on the radio
Cm Don't stop, for anyone
You know that FmI'll be your
Fm We’re plastic but we'll still have fun
AbI'm your biggest fan
I'll Ebfollow you until you lFmove me
But I won't stop unDbtil that boy is Fmmine
AbBaby there's no other sEbuperstar
You know that FmI'll be your
AbPromise I'll be kEbind
But I won't stop unFmtil that boy is Dbmine
AbBaby you'll be famous
EbChase you down untFmil you love me
EbPromise I'll be kAbind
El arreglo mostrado a continuación es el trabajo del autor como interpretación de la canción, al igual que el contenido interactivo relacionado. Este trabajo solo puede ser utilizado con fines educativos.
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acorde Eb
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Tonalidad original: C Menor