Hey There Delilah chordsPlain White T's
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D F#m
Verso 1
DHey there Delilah, What’s it F#mlike in New York City?
I’m a Dthousand miles away,
But girl toF#mnight you look so pretty
Yes you Bmdo, GTime Square can’t Ashine as bright as Bmyou,
I swear it’s Atrue.
DHey there Delilah, Don’t you F#mworry about the distance,
I’m right Dthere if you get lonely,
Give this F#msong another listen,
Close your Bmeyes, GListen to my Avoice it’s my disBmguise,
My word is Agood.
I’m by your Aside.
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
GHey there DeAlilah here's to Bmyou, This one’s for Ayou.
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
What you do to Dme.
Verso 2
DHey there Delilah, I know F#mtimes are getting hard,
But just beDlieve me girl some day,
I'll pay the F#mbills with this guitar,
We'll have it Bmgood, GWe'll have the Alife we knew we Bmwould,
My word is Agood.
DHey there Delilah, I’ve got F#mso much left to say,
If every Dsimple song I wrote to you,
GA thousand miles seems pretty far,
Would F#mtake your breath away,
I’d write it Bmall, GEven more in Alove with me you’d Bmfall,
We’d have it Aall.
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
GA thousand miles seems pretty far,
What you do to Dme.
But Athey’ve got planes and trains and cars,
DI’d walk to you if I had no other Bmway
GOur friends would all make fun of us,
And Awe'll just laugh along because,
We Dknow that none of them have felt this Bmway
GDelilah I can promise you,
That Aby the time that we get through,
The Bmworld will never ever be the same, and you’re to Ablame
Verso 3
DHey there Delilah you be F#mgood, And don’t you miss me,
Two more Dyears and you’ll be done with school,
And F#mI'll be making history,
We’d have it Aall.
BmLike I do,G You’ll know it's Aall because of Bmyou,
GWe can do whatAever we want Bmto,
GHey there DeAlilah here's to Bmyou, This one’s for Ayou.
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
DHey there Delilah, Don’t you F#mworry about the distance,
DOh it’s what you do to Bmme, DOh it’s what you do to Bmme,
What you do to Dme.
OhBmhh D Bm D Bm D Bm D
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