Stay With Me chordsSam Smith
★★★★★(4.76 stars, 21 votes)
Am F C
Am F C
Verso 1
AmGuess it's true, I'm not Fgood at a one Cnight stand
AmBut I still need Flove cause I'm justC a man
AmThese nights never Fseem to go Cto plan
AmI don't want you to Fleave, will you holdC my hand?
Won't youAm stay Fwith Cme?
Cause you'rAme all FI Cneed
AmNo it's not a good Clook, gain some Fself control
This ain'tAm love it's Fclear to Csee
But Gdarling, Amstay Fwith Cme
Verso 2
AmWhy am I Fso eCmotional?
AmNo it's not a good Flook, gain some Cself control
Cause you'rAme all CI Fneed
AmAnd deep down I Fknow this nevCer works
AmBut you can lay with Fme so it doesCn't hurt
Coro (3x)
Won't youAm stay Fwith Cme?
Cause you'rAme all FI Cneed
But Cdarling, Amstay Fwith Gme
This ain'tAm love it's Fclear to Csee
ButG darling,Am stayF withC me
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