Riptide chordsVance Joy
★★★★★(4.97 stars, 86 votes)
Am G C
Am G C
Verso 1
AmI was scared of Gdentists and the dCark
AmI was scared of Gpretty girls and sCtarting conversations
Oh Amall my frGiends are turning Cgreen
You're the Ammagicians assistGant in their Cdreams
Uh Amoooh Gooh Cooh
AmOh oooh Goh and they Ccome unstuck
AmLady, Grunning down to the Criptide
Taken away to the Amdark side
FIf you're gonna, if you're gonna Cstay
GI wanna be your Cleft hand man
And I Amlove you Gwhen you're singing that Csong and
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the wordsC wrong
Verso 2
AmThere's this movie Gthat I think you'll Clike
This Amguy decides to Gquit his job and Chead to New York City
CI wanna be your Gleft hand man
This Amcowboy's Grunning from Chimself
AmShe's been living Gon the highest Cshelf
Uh Amoooh Gooh Cooh
AmOh oooh Goh and they Ccome unstuck
AmLady, Grunning down to the Criptide
CTaken away to the Amdark side
GI wanna be your Cleft hand man
And I Amlove you Gwhen you're singing that Csong and
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the wordsC wrong
AmI just wanna, I just wanna Gknow
CIf you're gonna, if you're gonna Fstay
AmI just gotta, I just gotta Gknow
And I Amlove you Cwhen you're singing that Gsong and
CI can't have it, I can't have it Fany other way
I Amswear she's Gdestined for the Cscreen
AmClosest thing to GMichelle Pfeiffer Cthat you've ever seen
AmLady, Grunning down to the Criptide
CTaken away to the Amdark side
GI wanna be your Cleft hand man
AmThere's this movie Cthat I think you'll Glike
And I Amlove you Gwhen you're singing that Csong and
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the wordsC wrong
AmLady, Grunning down to the Criptide
CTaken away to the Amdark side
CI wanna be your Gleft hand man
GI wanna be your Cleft hand man
And I Amlove you Gwhen you're singing that Csong and
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the wordsC wrong
AmLady, Grunning down to the Criptide
CTaken away to the Amdark side
GI wanna be your Cleft hand man
And I Amlove you Gwhen you're singing that Csong and
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the wordsC wrong
I gotta lump in my Amthroat 'cause
GYou're gonna sing the words Cwrong
El arreglo mostrado a continuación es el trabajo del autor como interpretación de la canción, al igual que el contenido interactivo relacionado. Este trabajo solo puede ser utilizado con fines educativos.
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Tonalidad original: A Menor
The studio version of the song is played one half step higher than shown here, and in non-standard tuning. For that version, a capo can be used on the first fret with these chord shapes.