This Is Home chords

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Cmaj7 Cm G
Cmaj7 Cm G
Versetto 1
Cmaj7 Often I Cmam upset Gthat I cannot fall in love but I gueCmaj7ss
This avoids the sCmtress of falling out of iGt
Cmaj7 Are you tireCmd of me yetG?
I'm a little sick right now but I sCmaj7wear
When I'm readyCm I will fly us out of here G
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, I'll cut my hair
A He doesn't know how to communicate
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, To make you stare
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, I'll hide my chest
And I'll fEmigure out a way to get us Cmout of here G
Post-Coro (4x)
EmOoo-Coo Goo
Versetto 2
Cmaj7 Turn off your porcCmelain faceG
I can't really think right now and this plCmaj7ace
Has too many cCmolors enough to drive alGl of us insane
Are you deCmaj7ad? SometimCmes I think I'm deadG
Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my hCmaj7ead
EmOoo-Goo-Coo, Slowly
But I don't wanna Cmfall asleep just yGet
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, My eyes went dark
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, I don't know where
EmOoo-Goo-Coo, I'll hide my chest
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, My pupils are
But I'll figEmure out a way to get us Cmout of here G
Em Get a load of this monster
A He doesn't know how to communicate
C His mind is in a different place
WillG everybody please give him a lBm7ittle bit of space
EmOoo-Goo-Coo, My eyes went dark
A His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he iCs yet
But little do wCmaj7e know, the stars
Welcome him with oGpen arms
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, Time is
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, Slowly
EmOoo-Coo-Goo, Tracing his face
I can't really think right now and this plCmaj7ace
But strEmangely he fCmeels at home in this plaGce
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Cmaj7 accordo
Cm accordo
G accordo
Em accordo
C accordo
A accordo
Bm7 accordo
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Tonalità originale: G Maggiore