I Will Follow You Into The Dark chords
Death Cab for Cutie

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Dm F Bb F C
Dm F C
Dm F A Dm C Bb Bbm F
Versetto 1
FLove of mine
Someday Dmyou will die,
But I'll be Bbclose behind
I'll follow yFou into the dCark
No Fblinding light
Or tunnels to Dmgates of white,
Just our hands Bbclasped so tight
Waiting fFor the hint of a spCark
If heDmaven and hell deFcide that they Bbboth are satisfFied,C
IlDmluminate the Fno's on their vCacancy signs
IlDmluminate the Cno's on their vFacancy signs
If thDmere's no one beFside you when yourA soul eDmmbarks C
Then BbI'll follow Bbmyou into the Fdark
Versetto 2
In FCatholic school,
As vicious as DmRoman rule,
I got my kBbnuckles bruised
FYou and me
By a Flady in bClack
And I Fheld my tongue
IlDmluminate the Cno's on their vFacancy signs
As she Dmtold me "Son, fear is the Bbheart of love"
So I Fnever went Cback
If heDmaven and hell deFcide that they Bbboth are satisfFied,C
IlDmluminate the Cno's on their vFacancy signs
IlDmluminate the Fno's on their vCacancy signs
If thDmere's no one beFside you when yourA soul eDmmbarksC
Then BbI'll follow Bbmyou into the Fdark
Versetto 3
FYou and me
Have seen everytDmhing to see
From Bangkok to BbCalgary,
And the Fsoles of your Cshoes
Are Fall worn down
The time for Dmsleep is now
And I Fheld my tongue
But it's nothing to Bbcry about
'Cause we'll Fhold each other Csoon
In the Dmblackest of Bbrooms
If heDmaven and hell deFcide that they Bbboth are satisfFied,C
IlDmluminate the Fno's on their vCacancy signs
By a Clady in bFlack
If thDmere's no one beFside you when yourA soul eDmmbarks C
Then BbI'll follow Bbmyou into the Fdark
Then BbI'll follow Bbmyou into the Fdark
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Dm accordo
F accordo
Bb accordo
C accordo
A accordo
Bbm accordo
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Tonalità originale: D Minore