The Scientist chordsColdplay
★★★★★(5 stars, 4 votes)
Dm7 Bb F Fsus2
Versetto 1
Dm7 Come up to meBbet you, tell you I'm sForry
You don't know how lFsus2ovely you are.
Dm7 I had to fiBbnd you, tell you I nFeed you,
Tell you I Fsus2set you apart
Dm7 Tell me your seBbcrets and ask me your Fquestions,
Oh lets go baFsus2ck to the start.
Dm7 Running in ciBbrcles, coming up taFils
Heads on a scieFsus2nce apart.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F Oh it's such a Fsus2shame for us to part.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F No one ever Csaid it would be Fthis harCd.
Oh take me back to the start.
F Bb F F
Dm7 Bb F Fsus2
Versetto 2
Dm7 I was just gueBbssing at numbers and fiFgures,
Pulling the puzzlFsus2es apart.
Dm7 Questions of sciBbence, science and proFgress
F No one ever Csaid it would be Fthis harCd.
Don't speak as louFsus2d as my heart.
Dm7 And tell me you loBbve me, come back and hauntF me
Oh and I rush Fsus2to the start.
Dm7 Running in ciBbrcles, chasing our taFils
Coming back as we Fsus2are
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
Oh take me back to the start.
F Oh it's such a Fsus2shame for us to part.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F No one ever Csaid it would be Fthis harCd.
Oh take me back to the start.
F Bb F F
Coming back as we Fsus2are
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Canzoni di altri artisti
Nascondi schemi semplici
Dm7 accordo
Bb accordo
F accordo
Fsus2 accordo
C accordo

Auto Scroll
Tonalità originale: D Minore
The studio version of the song is played in non-standard tuning, and is difficult to play along with.