The Scientist chords

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Dm7 Bb F Fsus2
Versetto 1
Dm7 Come up to meBbet you, tell you I'm sForry
You don't know how lFsus2ovely you are.
Dm7 I had to fiBbnd you, tell you I nFeed you,
Tell you I Fsus2set you apart
Dm7 Tell me your seBbcrets and ask me your Fquestions,
Oh lets go baFsus2ck to the start.
Dm7 Running in ciBbrcles, coming up taFils
Heads on a scieFsus2nce apart.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F Oh it's such a Fsus2shame for us to part.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F No one ever Csaid it would be Fthis harCd.
Oh take me back to the start.
F Bb F F
Dm7 Bb F Fsus2
Versetto 2
Dm7 I was just gueBbssing at numbers and fiFgures,
F Oh it's such a Fsus2shame for us to part.
Pulling the puzzlFsus2es apart.
Dm7 Questions of sciBbence, science and proFgress
Don't speak as louFsus2d as my heart.
Dm7 And tell me you loBbve me, come back and hauntF me
Oh and I rush Fsus2to the start.
Dm7 Running in ciBbrcles, chasing our taFils
Coming back as we Fsus2are
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F Oh it's such a Fsus2shame for us to part.
Bb Nobody said it was easy,
F No one ever Csaid it would be Fthis harCd.
Oh take me back to the start.
F Bb F F
Pulling the puzzlFsus2es apart.
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Dm7 accordo
Bb accordo
F accordo
Fsus2 accordo
C accordo
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Tonalità originale: D Minore
The studio version of the song is played in non-standard tuning, and is difficult to play along with.