Grenade chords
Bruno Mars

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Versetto 1
DmEasy come, easy go,
DmThat's just how you live, oh,
AmTake, take, take it all,
AmBut you never give.
DmShould've known you was trouble
DmFrom the first kiss,
AmHad your eyes wide open.
A7Why were they open?
DmGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,
AmYou tossed it in the trash, you did.
To gDmive me all your love is all I ever asked, 'cause
BbWhat you don't undersAtand is
I'd catch a grenDmade for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
Throw myC hand on a bDmlade for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
I'd jump inC front of a tDmrain for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
You know I'dC do anythDming for Bbya, yeah Fyeah Cyeah
BbOh, oh, I would go through all of this pCain,
Take a bFullet straight thrAough my brDmain! C
YeCs, I would dieBb for ya, baby,
Gm If my body was on fire,
ABut you won't do the same.
DmNo, Dmno nAmo noAmoo
Versetto 2
DmBlack, black, black and blue, beat me 'til I'm numb,
AmOhh, no no no
Tell the dAmevil I said hey
when you get back to where you're from
DmMad woman, bad woman, that's just what you are, yeah
You'll smile Amin my face then rip the brakesA7 out my car
DmGave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash,
AmYou tossed it in the trash, yes you did.
ABut you won't do the same.
To gDmive me all your love is all I ever asked, 'cause
BbWhat you don't undersAtand is
I'd catch a grenDmade for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
Throw myC hand on a bDmlade for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
I'd jump inC front of a tDmrain for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
You know I'dC do anythDming for Bbya, yeah Fyeah Cyeah
BbOh, oh, I would go through all of this pCain,
Take a bFullet straight thrAough my brDmain! C
BbWhat you don't undersAtand is
YeCs, I would dieBb for ya, baby,
ABut you won't do the same.
Gm If my body was on fire,
when you get back to where you're from
Dm Ooh, you'd watch me burn down in flames.
Gm You said you loved me, you're a liar,
'cause you nAever, ever, ever did, baby!
Dm Dm Bb A
But darling
You know I'dC do anythBbing for Dmya, yeah Cyeah Fyeah
I'd still catch a grenaDmde for yBba, yeah Fyeah yeah
Throw myC hand on a bDmlade for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
I'd jump inC front of a tDmrain for Bbya, yeah Fyeah yeah
You know I'dC do anythDming for Bbya, yeah Fyeah Cyeah
BbOh, oh, I would go through all of this pCain,
Sink a bFullet straight thrAough my brDmain! C
YeCs, I would dieBb for ya, baby,
ABut you won't do the same.
DmNo, you won't do the same
YeCs, I would dieBb for ya, baby,
AmYou wouldn't do the same
DmOoh, you'd never do the same
AmOhh, no no no
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
Dm accordo
Am accordo
A7 accordo
Bb accordo
A accordo
F accordo
C accordo
Gm accordo
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Tonalità originale: D Minore