Desperado chords

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G G7 C Cm
G Em7 A7 D7
DesperGadoG7, why don't you Ccome to your sCmenses?
You beGen out ridin' Em7fences foA7r so long D7now
Oh, you're a Ghard oneG7, I know that Cyou got your reaCmsons
These Gthings thB7at are Em7pleasiA7n' you can D7hurt you someGhow
Versetto 1
DDon't youEm draw the queen ofBm diamonds boy
She'll Cbeat you if she's Gable
You know the Em7queen of hearts is Calways your best GbetD
Now it Emseems to me some fBmine things
YourG prisA7on isEm7 walkin' through B7this worldD7 all aGlone
Have been Claid upon your Gtable
But youEm only want the oA7nes you can't Am7get
DDeD7speGradG7o, oh you ain'tC gettin' no yoCmunger,
YourG pain and your hEm7unger, they're A7drivin' you D7home
You know the Em7queen of hearts is Galways your best CbetD
And Gfreedom, oh frG7eedom, that's just Csome people Cmtalkin'
YourG prisB7on isEm7 walkin' through A7this worldD7 all aGlone
Versetto 2
DDon't your Emfeet get cold in the Bmwinter time?
The Csky won't snow and the Gsun won't shine
It's Em7hard to tell the Cnight time froGm the Dday
You're Emlosin' all yourBm highs and lows
Come Ddown from Gyour feEmncesD7, open the gaA7te
Ain't iCt funny how thGe feelin' goeAm7s away
DDesD7perGadoG7, why don't you Ccome to your seCmnses?
Come Gdown from Dyour feEmncesA7, open the gaD7te
It maGy be raG7inin', but there's a Crainbow above yCmou
You bGetter leB7t somEmebody love CyouG Am7
It's Em7hard to tell the Dnight time froGm the Cday
You bGetter leB7t somEmebody love Am7you beforeD7 it'Gs too late
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Nascondi schemi semplici
G accordo
G7 accordo
C accordo
Cm accordo
Em7 accordo
A7 accordo
D7 accordo
B7 accordo
D accordo
Em accordo
Bm accordo
Am7 accordo
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Tonalità originale: G Maggiore