Take It To The Limit chordsEagles
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B E B F# E
Versetto 1
All Balone at the end of the Eevening
And the Bbright lights have faded to Eblue
I was Bthinkin' 'bout a D#7woman who might have G#mloved me
And I never kF#new
You know I've always been a Bdreamer
Spent my life Erunning round
And it's so hard to Bchange, can't seem to Esettle down
But the dreams I've seen C#mlately E
Keep turnin' out and Eadd9burnin' out and F#turnin' out the EsameF#
So Eput me on a Bhighway and Eshow me a Bsign
You're F#comin' back for EmoreF#
And Etake it to the F#limit one more Btime
B E B F# E
Versetto 2
You can Bspend all your time making Emoney
You can Bspend all your love making Etime
If it Ball fell to D#7pieces toG#mmorrow would you still be F#mine
ETake it to the F#limit, Etake it to the F#limit (come on)
When you're looking for your Bfreedom nobody Eseems to care
And you can't find the Bdoor, can't find it Eanywhere
When there's nothin' to belC#mieve in E
Still you're commin' back, you're Eadd9runnin' back
You're F#comin' back for EmoreF#
So Eput me on a Bhighway and Eshow me a Bsign
And Etake it to the F#limit one more G#mtime F#
ETake it to the F#limit, Etake it to the F#limit
E B B F# E
ETake it to the F#limit one more Btime
ETake it to the F#limit, Etake it to the F#limit (come on)
ETake it to the F#limit one more Btime
E B F# B
La disposizione degli accordi mostrata sopra è opera dell'autore come interpretazione della canzone, insieme al relativo contenuto interattivo. Questo lavoro può essere utilizzato solo a scopo didattico.
Canzoni di altri artisti
Nascondi schemi semplici
B accordo
E accordo
F# accordo
D#7 accordo
G#m accordo
C#m accordo
Eadd9 accordo

Auto Scroll
Tonalità originale: B Maggiore