Love Yourself chordsJustin Bieber
★★★★★(5 stars, 5 votes)
Versetto 1
For all the Etimes that you Brain on my C#mparade
And all the F#mclubs you get in Eusing my Bname
You think you Ebroke my heart, oh Bgirl for goodC#mness sake
You think I'm F#mcrying, oh my Eoh, well I Bain't
And I didn't wanna Ewrite a songB cause I didn't want
C#mAnyone thinking I still care
I F#mdon't but, Eyou still hit my Bphone up
And baby I be Emoving Bon
And I think you C#mshould be something
I don't wanna F#mhold back, Emaybe you should Bknow that
Cause if you Elike the Away you C#mlook that Bmuch
My mama don't C#mlike yAou and she likes eEveryone
And I never C#mlike to Aadmit that I was Ewrong
And I've been so cC#maught up in Amy job
Didn't Esee what's going Bon
And now I C#mknow,A I'm better Esleeping on my own
Cause if you Elike the Bway you C#mlook that Amuch
Oh baby you Eshould go and Blove yoEurself
And baby I be Bmoving Eon
And if you tEhink that BI'm still C#mholding on to Asomething
EYou should Bgo and love yEourself
Versetto 2
But when you Etold me that you Bhated my C#mfriends
And I didn't wanna Bwrite a songE cause I didn't want
The only F#mproblem was with Eyou and not Bthem
And every Etime you told me Bmy opinion was C#mwrong
And tried to F#mmake me forget Ewhere I came Bfrom
And I didn't wanna Ewrite a songB cause I didn't want
C#mAnyone thinking I still care
EYou should Ego and love yBourself
I F#mdon't but, Eyou still hit my Bphone up
And baby I be Emoving Bon
And I think you C#mshould be something
I don't wanna F#mhold back, Emaybe you should Bknow that
My mama don't C#mlike yAou and she likes eEveryone
And I never C#mlike to Aadmit that I was Ewrong
And I've been so cC#maught up in Amy job
The only F#mproblem was with Byou and not Ethem
Didn't Esee what's going Bon
And now I C#mknow,A I'm better Esleeping on my own
Cause if you Elike the Bway you C#mlook that Amuch
I never Bfelt so low when IE was vuC#mlnerable
Oh baby you Eshould go and Blove yoEurself
And if you tEhink that BI'm still C#mholding on to Asomething
EYou should Bgo and love yEourself
Strumentale (2x)
E B C#m A
Versetto 3
For all the Etimes that you Bmade me feel C#msmall
Oh baby you Bshould go and Elove yoEurself
I fell in F#mlove, now I fear Enothing at Ball
I never Efelt so low when IB was vuC#mlnerable
Was I a F#mfool to let you Ebreak down my Bwalls?
Coro (2x)
Cause if you Elike the Bway you C#mlook that Amuch
Oh baby you Eshould go and Blove yoEurself
And if you tEhink that BI'm still C#mholding on to Asomething
Didn't Bsee what's going Eon
EYou should Bgo and love yEourself
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